Qualification, Election, Impeachment, Terms and Tenure of President

Qualification, Election, Impeachment, Terms and Tenure of President

Qualification of President of India

He must be a citizen of India
  • He must have completed 35 years of Age
  • Must have qualification to become member of Lok Sabha
  • Must Not hold any office of Profit

Mode of Election of President
President of India

Since the president represents the entire nation in order to maintain a balance between a central and the state within India Federal Setup, the president election follows following steps

Only the MP and MLA of State legislatures has the power to elect the president of India and the values of the votes is calculated as follows

The values of the votes are calculated in president’s election

Step 1 Value of Vote of an MLA

Example Suppose the Population of State is 12 lakhs and 400 MLA's represent the State then the value of vote of an MLA is 300

Step 2 Value of Vote of MP's

Value of Vote of MP's

The values of the votes are calculated in president’s election
In this election in order to get elected a candidate is required to get the vote at least up to quota which is calculated as

Impeachment of President (Removal of President)

According to article 61 President of India can be Impeached on the grounds of violation of the constitution

Impeachment is the Quasi- Judicial process solely decided by the parliament.

The impeachment can be initiated in any house of the parliament, only if a resolution is given to the presiding officer of that house supporting in writing not less than 1/4th of the total members of that house after giving 14 days prior notice to the president

If the house passes the resolution by 2/3rd of the total members of the house then it is transmitted to another house, which acts as an investigating house, in this house the charges preferred against the president are investigated by the select committee of that house

During investigation president may defend himself or may be defended by any other person or legal practitioner of his choice or attorney general

After investigation if the house also passes resolution by 2/3rd of the total members of that house the president stands impeached from that date

Terms and Tenure of President

The tenure of the President is 5 years, it may also extend till the new president enters office

The terms of president is from the time he enters his office

President of India

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