Executive Powers of President of India

Executive Powers of the president

Since the President is the Head of the union the executive, all the administration decisions of Union are taken in the name of the president on the advice of council of minister (about and Strength of council of ministers refer 91st amendment act, 2003)

President of India
Executive Powers of the President

He makes the following appointments to different constitution posts and administrative posts
  • The Prime Minister and on his advice other ministers of the state (link to article ministers of the state 15% etc)
  • The attorney general of India (article 76 states that their shall be attorney general of India and other terms and conditions refer article 76 here)
  • Comptroller and auditor general of India (CAG) (terms and conditions of the CAG are defined in Part v Chapter v of Indian constitution from Article 148 to article 151)
  • The governors of the state and left anent governor of Union territories of the state
  • The chief Election Commissioner and other election commissioners (terms and condition refer Part XV articles from Article 324 to article 329)
  • The chairman’s and members of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Joint State Public service Commission’s (JSPSC) (terms and condition refer part XIV from article 308 to article 323

Note: the chairman and members of State Public Service Commission’s (SPSC) are appointed by the governor but removed by the president
The president also has the powers to remove the officials such as attorney generals, governor’s, and left anent governors, chairmen and members of UPSC, JSPSC and SPSC

Some other Executive Powers of President includes
  • Determination of Policy as well as carrying it into execution
  • Maintenance of Law and Order in the country
  • Promotion of social and economic welfare of the citizens of the country
  • Direction of Foreign Policy
We can say that President has the important role to play both in National (Home) and International Affairs

President of India

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