Legislative Powers of President of India

Legislative Powers of the President

Legislative Powers of President of India
The President is the Integral part of Parliament and he performs the following legislative functions

He Summons Lower House of Parliament (Lok Sabha) after Commencement of Election and new government is formed after every election 1st session after general election to Lok Sabha, president address both houses of parliament assembled together
Under article 86, President can also send messages to the houses of parliament on any issue of parliamentary business

If the proceedings of sessions of the house if the bill is not agreed by both houses and if president thinks that the bill is not necessary to call joint session then he can kill the bill

Article 111 – gives details in regarding the president role in law making, it says that every bill needs president assent to become a law

He Prorogue the Lok Sabha after completion of its tenure (i.e after every years in general and can extend to one year at time in case of emergency prevailing in the country and on the written advice of council of ministers more details refer 44th amendment act of Indian constitution)

Note: Raja Sabha can be dissolved, it is the permanent house (one- third members of Raja Sabha retire after every second year and new members will accommodate A member who is elected for Raja Sabha serves for the period of six years

Certain Bills require president’s prior recommendation for introduction in parliament such as money bill, financial bill, Bills for creation of new states
  • President causes the budget to lay before parliament
  • No bill can become law unless it given assent by the president
  • Under Legislative Powers of President Nominates
  • Two Anglo-Indians to Lok Sabha – If it is felt that Anglo- Indian Community is inadequately represented to Lok Sabha
  • President also nominates twelve members to Raja Sabha form among the persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of matters like Literature, Science, Art and Social Service

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