Management Entrance Exam Books

India has top Human resource in the field of management and administration, many universities and colleges like IIMs, and Top B-schools in India recruit candidates for the admissions and jobs in MNC’s based on the scores obtain by the candidate’s in different entrance test.

Main Exams for Management includes CAT, XMAT and others as listed below, the package levels and job options are wide and after successful competition of their education after getting qualifying this exam.

These B-Schools either affiliate themselves to common national level MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, CMAT, ATMA, and NMAT by GMAC or take their own exams (IBSAT, MICAT).Management Exams in India are the entry level exams to get admissions into top B schools and other management institutes in India.

Top Level Institutions includes IIM’s, FMS, and offer specialization in different business management levels, MBA entrance exams include

Popular Management Exams in India

Management Entrance Exams and Related Books

NET (National Eligibility Test) Exam Books

CAT (Common Admission Test) Exam Books

XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) Exam Books

IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade) Exam Books

SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) Exam Books

CMAT (Common Management Admission Test) Exam Books

ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency) Exam Books

NMAT (Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies) Exam Books

IBSAT (ICFAI Business Studies Aptitude Test) Exam Books

MICAT (MICA Admission Test) Exam Books

CET (Common Entrance Test) Exam Books

MAT (Management Aptitude Test) Exam Books

Above are the some of the popular examinations conducted in India for the selection of students into jobs and admissions of candidate’s into various roles and educational institutions. For more details and information regarding the exams please click the links provided at each of the category separately. 

1 comment:

  1. SSC
    Every year, lakhs of candidates sit for the SSC exam. The exam consists of 2 tiers objective type exams in written form followed by an Interview/Computer Proficiency/Skills exam as per the Scheme of Examination. Candidates have to go through an online test to prove their merit. This makes the tests extremely competitive in nature. The SSC exam needs efficient guidance, a well-planned study strategy, and fine preparation. Books for SSC preparation, therefore, have to be prepared in a manner that applicants can get a chance to pass the test and get into the coveted jobs. Applicants have to get a thorough understanding of the patterns and various requirements of the SSC exam.
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