Vein Matching Technology

Vein Matching Technology
Bio metrics

Is the method for tracing unique features of humans based on one or many intrinsic physical or behavioral traits, the term bio metrics (Bio- biological entity i.e. both physical and behavioral aspects of human being, Metrics- refers to the statistical analysis of the data) represents the measurable aspects of human being and analysis of data so as to differentiates the one from other based on the available bio metric information.

IT (Information technology, in this aspect of biotechnology it refers to technologies used to analyze human characteristics that are based on different features like eye retinas, hand measurements etc, It is used to identify the individual attributes based on the different information gathered

In general Bio metrics characteristics can be classified into two categories

1.) Physiological:

Based on the physiological aspects of human being

Example: Facial characteristics: As everyone’s facial features are not identical this aspect of human can be used for recognition. Similarly fingerprints, hand measurements, iris and cornea, DNA, are other characteristics of human being which makes him/her to be unique from others
Bio Metrics

2.) Behavioural: 

Classified on the behavioral aspects of human being

Example: Signatures, voice frequencies, keystrokes: all this forms the behavioral aspects which make them to be different from others


As we know some of applications of Bio metrics find useful in every walk of life like office attendances, access to office computers, surveillance applications, military applications, authenticity applications, etc, In future you may see the wide scope of this bio-metrics technology find utilities in many security application areas like banks, ATM, lockers and many more

Latest Invention in Bio-metrics Technology 

Vein identification technology, also called as vein matching/vascular technology, i.e. physical aspect of human being used for bio metric analysis

Vein of Human


Identification of human being upon analysis of patterns of vessels of blood that can be identified from the surface part of skin is shown in the picture


The working of this technology is as follows; firstly the infrared light is projected on the surface of the skin in the blood vessels the haemoglobin reflects the send IR light and the patterns are recorded by the CCD cameras behind the transparent screen
Some US hospitals, NYU medical centres use this technology primarily to reduce errors in their medical applications.

Many companies are in the process of developing and marketing the devices to identify the vein matching patterns of human beings which works based on this technology "Vein Matching Technology"

Veins Scanner

Finger scanning and identification have been developed by kiosks, turnstiles (Japanese institutions)

Mantra Softest: 

Developed device in South Asia (scans vein patterns in palms for maintain attendance record), In India some institutions have adopted this type of technology for recording attended in the entrance exams GMAT

Palm Scanner

Developed a version of devices that do not require a physical contact with the scanner
Candidates need to provide their proof of identification by scanning their palm to enter into exam hall


Technology is subject to move from one level to another level with much more modifications that enhances the scope of the previous inventions, lets see how far we will move in this bio metrics, a technology to differentiate unique attributes of human being, much more inventions are in its way based on bio metrics like determining the age of person accurately from the information collected from human cells and many more.

Source and Reference 

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