Solar Power Plane (Solar Impulse)

Solar Impulse 2

The plane powered by solar power, even thought we reached far ahead in space technology innovations, but when we hear the term Solar Power Run Plane many says it’s impossible

In the year 2003 two friends namely Bertten Pickard and Boresbegh natives of Switzerland believed that they can make plane run by solar power.
By attempting 1st solar flight round the world, they want to show the world that clean technologies, renewable energies can achieve the impossible

Solar Impulse - 1

They tried to focus on their goals. The result of this came in front with the name “SOLAR IMPULSE-1” which aimed to revolve around the earth only with the use of solar energy without a drop of any type of fuel.

Solar Power Run Plane Solar Impulse

Since 2003 they started working on it, first plane came up in the year 2009
With the involvement of 50 engineers, 180 technical experts they first built SOLAR IMPULSE-1 in the year 2010 it stayed and flight around 26 hours in the sky

Solar Impulse 2

After fixing the technical issues in it Solar Impulse-2 built

Features of solar Impluse-2

Unlike other planes it can’t lift 100's of passengers; only one person who sits in poi let chair cant travel in it
Its wings which are like similar width and parameters with that of booing plane but its weight is 23000 kilograms

To both sides of its wings it contains 17248 solar cells which are used to run the motors that are fixed to its wings

To take off in night times these cells also powers the lithium batteries when provides power to flight at night times

The cost of this project till now is 600 Crores

Solar Impulse Plane
In day time it can fly up to altitude of 28 thousand feet at night’s 5 thousand feet

Its weight is round 2800 kilograms (the real flight is around 1 lakh 60 thousand kilograms)

Route of Solar Impulse
Toyota, Google, Omega are the sponsors of this project 

Route of Solar Impulse

  • 1.     Oman  
  • 2.     India 
  • 3.     Myanmar
  • 4.     China 
  • 5.     And then after crossing Pacific Ocean through Hawaii 
  • 6.     It has to fly across U.S.A
  • 7.     And through Atlantic Ocean
  • 8.     Back to Abu Dhabi
The current status of the solar impulse is, it is travelling from Nanjing China to Hawaii USA

To know more about Solar Power Run Plane Solar Impulse follows the 

To support for the clean future

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