Important Topics List on General Science for UPSC Prelims Exams
General Science (Includes Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
UPSC Important topic List General Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics) |
As the scope of UPSC Exam is very large detail
classification of the topics can’t be estimated and summarized, however as with
our experience we have listed some topics which are worthy, but the list is
limited only, If any found and missing please comment below.
As this section has limited scope to ask questions, but we can’t neglect
anything in the preparation process
Physics subject Topic
Light and its properties
- 1.
Reflection of Light
- 2.
Refraction of Light
- 3.
Lenses concepts
- 4.
Dispersion of Light
- 5.
Interference of Light
- 6. Polarization
of Light
Thermodynamics concepts
- 1.
Heat and thermodynamics
- 2.
Basic Concepts (Relation between Different scales
of temperature)
- 3.
Expansion of Solids, Liquids and Gases
- 4.
Transmission of Heat
- 5.
Concepts relating to Gases
- 6.
Kinetic Theory of Gases
- 7.
Specific Heats of gases
- 1.
Time, Speed and Distance, related problems
- 2.
Fluid mechanics
- 1.
Concepts of Electric Field, Potential and capacity
- 2.
Ohms Law and Related Day to Day Life Examples
- 3.
Heating Effect of Current
- 4.
Thermo E.M.F
- 5.
- 6.
Alternating Current
- 7.
Electro-Magnetic Induction
- 8.
Modern Physics
Other Topics
- 1.
Photo-electric Effect
- 2.
Direction related problems
- 3.
Pendulum Related Problems
- 4.
Projectile Problems
- 5.
Friction, Elastic, Inelastic Collision
- 6.
Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces
- 7.
Structure of Atom
- 8.
Radio-activity (C-14, Uranium, Thorium etc)
- 9.
Nuclear Physics Electro Magnetic Waves
- 10. Etc
Chemistry Topics Includes
- 1.
Periodic Table (New elements founded any of recent
nature are highly important)
- 2.
Properties of periodic table (Electro-negativity,
Electron affinity, Ionization etc)
- 3.
Atomic structure (Electron, neutrons, quarks,
particles, properties (quantum numbers and all related concepts New
founding’s if any etc)
- 4.
Chemical Bonding (covalent bond, trivalent
bonds, finding of Oxidation numbers etc)
- 5.
Non-ideal solutions and abnormal molecular mass
equations and concepts
- 6.
Formulas (Bleaching powder, photosynthesis
Reaction Equation, Gypsum and some important reactions)
- 7.
Laws of thermo Dynamics
- 8.
Electronic configuration
- 9.
Hybridization involving s, p, d, Orbital’s
- 10. Ionization Numbers, Oxidation number of elements
- 11. Periodic table and related elements (Groups and
- 12.Metals, Non metals, Metalloids, Lighter and
Heavier elements properties
- 14.Acids and Bases, Amino acids, Proteins,
- 15. Synthetic and Natural polymers Classifications
- 16. Jeflon, PVC, Nylon-66, Terylene and Synthetic
- 17. Organic Chemistry Basics
- 18. Methane, Ethane, propane etc
- 19. Alkali Metals, Alkaline earth metals
- 20. Carbon Cycle, Hydrogen Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, etc
- 21. Inert gas elements and properties etc
Biology Topics Includes
important part of the General Science for UPSC Exam prelims)
- 1.
Cytology: Animal vs. Plant Cell Organs within the
cell, Cell division (Very important from exam point of view, Cell and
- 2.
Nutrition, Essential Nutrients, Vitamins proteins
and the disorders caused by their deficiency etc
- 3.
Human systems: A good idea on Human Anatomy
is necessary especially terms relating to human body
- 4.
Circulatory system and Blood (Arteries, veins and
circulation of blood)
- 5.
Tissue system, Skin, Digestive System, Nerve
system, Brain parts and others, Respiratory System, Excretory system,
Reproduction System, Hormones and Deficiency problems caused, Questions are
mainly from Functions of these systems and organs involved in them. DNA and
groups, Blood groups and DNA sequences etc
- 6.
Diseases: Causes agents and Symptoms or hereditary
and communicable diseases, pathogens of various diseases
- 7.
Diseases Caused by Micro-organisms, Virus,
Bacteria (Effects and symptoms)
- 8.
Classification of Biological Diversity:
- 9.
Includes Division of Animals and Plants into
various groups according to their nature of living. Biological Names
- 10. Animal Living: Day to day observation of lives of
specific animals like Snake, Chameleon, Camel etc
- 11. Discoveries: Important Personalities and
Discoveries in the field of Biology (Includes Noble prize winners also)
- 12.Plant system: Nutrition elements, Photosynthesis,
Respiration etc
Any more topics missing comment below
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