Fundamental Forces of Nature

Fundamental Forces of Nature

All the forces in universe can be classified into following four as
  1. Gravitational Force
  2. Electromagnetic Force
  3. Strong Nuclear Force
  4. Weak Nuclear Force

The properties of these forces, the range and examples of these forces are highly important from prelims point of view

Quanta Particles

Strong Nuclear

Short Range (10-13 centimeters or 10-15 meters/1 fm)

100 (Much Strong)

Binds Nuclei in the atoms

Electromagnetic Force

Long Range (Infinity)
Charged Particles

Weak Nuclear

Short Range (about 1 am - 1 atto meter = 10-18 m)

10-10 (Weak)

Governs Radio activity Decay
Long Range (Infinity)
10-40 (Much Weak)

Between two Objects that has mass

Strong Nuclear Force
  1. This strong Nuclear force is responsible for binding of nuclei in the atom
  2. It is of short Range is Short Ranged. Acts only at the range of 10-13 centimeters or 10-15 meters
  3. Strongest Interactive force that binds the nuclei in the atom
  4. Strongest of all the forces
    Fundamental Forces of Nature

Electromagnetic Force
  1. Governs the atomic level phenomena’s, that constitutes to form molecules and compounds
  2. Electromagnetic forces are responsible for causing electric and magnetic effects
  3. Weaker than Strong nuclear force and stronger than weaker forces and Gravitational Forces
  4. Electromagnetic forces are longer in range some times we say Infinity

Weak Nuclear Force
  1. The weak Nuclear Force is responsible for radioactive decay and neutrino interactions
  2. Weak Nuclear Force a very short range (about 1 am - 1 atto meter = 10-18 m)
  3. Weak Nuclear are weak in strength

Gravitational Force
  1. The gravitational force is much weaker of all the force
  2. It has a very long range and is a attractive force that acts between the bodies which has mass

Reference: CSEP

2013 UPSC Prelims

Consider the following:

  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Gravitational Force
  • Plate movements
  • Rotation of the earth
  • Revolution of the earth

Which of the above are responsible for bringing dynamic changes on the surface of the earth?

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only 
(b) 1, 3, 5 and 6 only 
(c) 2, 4, 5 and 6 only 
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Correct Answer: D

2013 UPSC Prelims

The known forces of nature can be divided into four classes, viz, gravity electromagnetism, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. With reference to them, which one of the following statements is not correct?
  1. Gravity is the strongest of the four
  2. Electromagnetism act only on particles with an electric charge
  3. Weak nuclear force causes radioactivity 
  4. Strong nuclear force holds protons and neutrons inside the nuclear of an atom
Correct Answer: A

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